When there are one or more missing teeth, most patients look for the best cosmetic dental treatment. In this case, a cosmetic dental method called a dental implant is the first recommended method. This cosmetic dental method can restore your gorgeous smile. As a North York dental implants expert explains, the dental implant is highly appreciated due to its natural function and look. In other words, when you have a dental implant, it is so challenging to distinguish it from your real tooth. In addition, you feel comfortable with your dental implant since it functions exactly like your natural teeth. But in the case of having this cosmetic dental method, there are some essential facts or points that you should consider.

A most popular point about the dental implant is that its maintenance is as easy as your oral health. You should brush your new tooth like your natural ones. But it is worth saying that brushing an implanted tooth should be done gently with a soft hairbrush.

Besides, when you have a dental implant, you can take advantage of its lifespan. Naturally, a dental implant can last more than 25 years if you take care of it properly.

If you have a dental implant, you should be careful about toothpaste and mouthwash. They should not be so strong and abrasive unless they damage your tooth(teeth) implanted.

You can also floss your tooth(teeth) that is implanted freely, but this action should be done carefully and slowly.

Always remember that the next dental implant care begins immediately after your operation. And one of the most important aspects of immediate care is to avoid eating hot food or drink because hot food or drink can increase the stress in your tissue. In other words, the tissue around your dental implant will take some time to heal, so your specialist can tell you exactly how long to avoid hot food. Also, avoid all solid foods until the local anesthetic is gone.

When having a dental implant, the best way is to drink cold water. Cold water reduces swelling and some mouth discomfort. In addition to avoiding hot food and drink, you should also avoid contact with the area. In other words, please do not place your tongue or finger on the affected area and do not touch it in any way.

Keep in mind that this cosmetic dental method can be a potential source of infection during recovery. In this regard, you can help the jawbone combine with the dental implant and reduce the risk of infection by eating foods rich in protein and calcium, such as broccoli and eggs.

The most important action after this cosmetic dental treatment process is to rest and relax. So take a few days to rest and relax before returning to the normal routine after a few days of dental surgery. This helps your body heal and prevents pressure on the surgery site. Intense activity can destroy blood clots and cause a painful condition that exposes the area to infection.