As an alternative to western medicine and other drug treatment, acupuncture is becoming the main stream to treat various pains. Thus acupuncture is available in wide variety of techniques and the opinion of each therapist will vary. Here are few of the tips to understand.
- Acupuncture treats pain – Acupuncture is not limited to treat pain alone, even when you are sick you can get treated for the sickness along with pain relief treatment. This can treat common cold, stomach viruses, mental illness, emotional stress, cancer, skin disease, infections, neurological disorder, dentistry and childbirth.
- Do not go for treatment with empty stomach – While getting to treatment, it is important to have light food to avoid lightheadedness, dizziness and fainting issues. Also you should not go over board by eating a lot of food before treatment. This may cause uncomfortable feel during the treatment which will not be effective.
- For the treatment, you need not have to remove cloth – Like massage you need not have remove clothes. This treatment may need access under you cloth but they will drape you with small portion being exposed. However, therapist recommends you to wear loose clothing so that sleeves can be rolled up and pants are pulled up above the knees.
- Tongue, pulse and abdomen are the measuring tool – Acupuncture therapists are interested in understanding the internal organs of a human body using 8 constitutional medicine. With this process, they can provide the best treatment for you. Similar to reflexology on hand and feet, there are different areas of tongue, radial pulse and abdomen that denote different organs of body.
- Expect embarrassing questions – Therapists will ask you questions related to various topics of health and lifestyle. These questions may relate to detailed description of bowel movements, urination and menstruation for women. When you give better details, then the diagnosis will pay you more.
- Needles are thin than hypodermic needle – If you scared of needle, you do not have to be. The needles are too minute than the hypodermic needles. This is quite flexible and people are surprised to feel the smooth insertion.
- Needles are not reused – Needles used with a patient is not reused again. As acupuncture needles are not reusable, they are disposed after every use. The needle is made of thin and flexible grade stainless steel material.
- More than needles are used in treatment – Needle is the main tool in acupuncture but they also use variety of acupressure tools depending on the diagnosis.
- One treatment is not enough for few pains – Usually pains are not treated with single treatment. Few pains need series of treatment in regular interval. If your therapist recommends revisiting for next treatment, then you should visit for getting the effective treatment.